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Writer's pictureEric Beylier

The Dangers of Unreliable Data

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

OK, it's been a VERY long time since my last blog, but am back blogging with the universe!

After a couple of years at Baker Hughes in their Avitas Systems Artificial Intelligence and robotic product line, I have learned what I wanted to learn, roughly three years ago about all these buzzwords inundating every industries, namely: "AI", "Machine Learning", "Deep Learning", "Computer Vision", "RBA", "Block Chain" (again!), "drones" (should I say scary drones...), etc... and have demystified a lot of it. As you may recall, I blogged about Gartner's hype cycle, and let me share something I have learned: Gartner is right! Hype, smoke and mirror is a sustained reality! LOL! Lots of teams out there claim they have a functional AI solution, but they have not.... Reminds me a bit of the late 90's flash movies used as demos in Silicone Valley, claiming it was fully functional, when there was nothing behind. Of course, there are - here and there -, the real thing. That little dream team who is actually doing it! Not talking about it. I recently stumbled upon one: Tachyus.

In the spirit of transparency, they just retained SCD Partner to help them a bit with their sales & business development efforts, but let me be direct (as always): I would have never accepted if I had felt there was nothing under their hood in term of AI and Machine Learning. I know very large companies (both operators and oilfield services), who are only dreaming about what Tachyus can do TODAY. As a matter of fact, it is an example of "the real thing" for me. While many teams of in-house data scientists will slowly, but surely, disappear in operators and oilfield services organization, they will emerge.

As a famous Silicon Valley CEO with over 40 years of experience said during a digital transformation conference I attended: "oil & gas companies think they can be a software company, but they can't. All these internal teams will disappear over time"....and he added about digital transformation: "you are either on the train, or you are on the tracks!". What he did not specify, is that smart Oil & Gas will be on the train working WITH AI software solution companies, not trying to be one...

What else is new in the Oil & Gas...! LOL!

Anyways, time will tell. This is only my opinion. Meanwhile, feel free to read this article from Pallav at Tachyus. He is spot on!

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